清仓!美国购Shen Min DHT天然阻断剂/头发再生配方60粒 头发稀疏

  • 清仓!美国购Shen Min DHT天然阻断剂/头发再生配方60粒 头发稀疏
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  • 配料表:shenmin
  • 保质期:365
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  • 保质期:12个月
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Shen Min


Shen Min DHT Blocker - Hair Regrowth Formula -- 60 Tablets



【中文名称】 美国Shen Min DHT阻断剂/头发再生配方 男女适用

【英文名称】Natrol, Shen Min Hair Regrowth, DHT Blocker, 60 Tablets






Hair Regrowth Formula for Men and Women/男女均可使用的头发再生配方

Combines Proprietary Blend to Nourish the Hair Follicle/结合独特的专利配番滋养毛囊

100% Natural Herbal Blend/100%的天然草本配番没有副作用。

Dietary Supplement/膳食补充剂

Thickens Hair Naturally/自然的增厚头发。

Energizes Scalp to Strengthen Hair/补充头发营养,增强发质。

Shen Min DHT Blocker is a natural supplement formulated toinhibit DHT (dihydrotestosterone) - one of the primary causes of hair loss in both men and women. As we age, DHT builds up on the scalp and damages the hair producing follicles, which eventually die. By combining a powerful proprietary blend of natural DHT blockers and other key nutrients, Shen Min DHT Blocker helps to nourish and support hair growth in men and women, naturally!

Shen MinDHT是一种自然的DHT(双氢睾酮)阻断剂,DHT(双氢睾酮)是男人和女人头发损失的主要原因之一。随着年龄的增长,DHT的积聚在头皮上破坏毛囊,非常终导致头发死亡。通过结合强大的专利配方天然的DHT阻断剂和其它关键的营养素,该产品能改变头发的疏松,有助于男女头发生长。

【使用方法】Suggested Use

Take 1 tablet, two times daily. Do not exceed recommended daily intake. Best when taken in the morning upon awakening and prior to bedtime. For best results, this product should be taken for a minimum of 3 to 4 months.



Supplement Facts

Supplement Facts
Serving Size:1 Tablet 每1粒含
  Amount Per Serving % DV
Zinc (from Zinc Arginate) 10 mg 67%
Selenium (from Selenium Yeast) 100 mcg 143%
DHT Blocker Proprietary BlendDHT阻断配方Phytosterol Complex (soy), Saw Palmetto Extract (Serenoa repens) (berry), Pumpkin Extract (Cucurbita moschata) (seed), Quercetin 300 mg *
He Shou Wu (Fo-ti) 12:1 Powdered Extract (Polygonum multiflorum)(root) 100 mg *
Kudzu Extract (Pueraria lobata)(root) 43.75 mg *
Isoflavones异黄酮 17.5 mg  
Soy Extract (Glycine max) (soy germ)大豆提取物 6.25 mg *
Isoflavones异黄酮 2.5 mg  
Tomato Powder番茄粉 2 mg *
* Daily Value (DV) not established.

Other Ingredients其他成分

Cellulose, dibasic calcium phosphate, cellulose gum, silica, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, methylcellulose, cornstarch, glycerin.

Does not contain: Sugars, artificial colors, preservatives, gluten or sodium





What Is DHT@ What is its Role in Hair Loss@

Both men and women tend to lose hair due to some hormonal changes in the body. It is mainly the alterations in the metabolism of androgen in the body that brings abouthair loss. Androgen is the male hormone that plays a very important role in both hair loss and hair growth. This metabolism of androgen gets involved with an enzyme, the 5 alpha reductase which tends to combine with the male hormone, testosterone to give DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). This DHT is the natural metabolite of the human body that is the main reason for hair loss.

The most important structure of a hair follicle is the dermal papilla, which is responsible for hair growth. The cell of this dermal papilla divides and differentiates to form a new hair follicle. As this dermal papilla lies in direct contact with blood capillaries of the skin, it is responsible for deriving nutrients for hair follicle growth. This dermal papilla has many receptors for androgens; where men have more androgenic receptors here than women.

It is very important for a person to have propernutritionto maintain hair. So when DHT reaches the hair follicles and dermal papilla, it tends to prevent proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing the needed nourishment to sustain life in the hair of these follicles. With this, the hair follicles tend to reproduce at a slower rate and this in turn either shortens the growing phase of the hair follicles or lengthens its resting stage.

DHT is also responsible for shrinking hair follicle with which the hair follicle gets smaller and finer. This is referred to as miniaturization with which the hair ultimately falls off. This is how DHT is responsible for about 95% of hair loss. The men or women who lose more hair are those who are genetically pre-disposed in producing more DHT than others.

In addition to all this, DHT tends to create a wax like substance around the hair roots and it is this accumulation of DHT in the hair follicles and roots that gives rise to male and female pattern hair loss. There is a type of treatment that blocks the synthesis of DHT at molecular level to cure both male pattern and female pattern hair loss. This is done by using one of the many natural DHT blockers and drugs that are used for medical hair restoration.

Hairlossadvance.com offers information and support for people suffering fromhair loss.

